Do You Need a Securities Attorney?

This video focuses on defining securities law. It goes further to explain why you may need a securities attorney. Securities is any time a business wants to raise money to finance the company itself. The business can sell equity in itself, publicly or privately.

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They could also borrow money.

A securities attorney is the person that handles all the paperwork for the business when they are trying to raise money for the company. These attorneys often specialize in the changing regulations and laws around financial investing. They may also help a business plan investments and recover any losses that result in wrongdoing against the business. These individuals are considered transactional lawyers. They do not often go into court. Instead, they handle the paperwork for these transactions.

If you are interested in investing in a company or lending money to a company, or if you are a company that is interested in people looking to invest in you, then it is in your best interest to talk to a securities attorney.

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