Somewhat dull television personalities may make golf seem boring. It is, in fact, a surprisingly entertaining sport and boasts some of the strangest and most attention-grabbing headlines in sports. What are some of the most bizarre things happening in the golf world?
Unmarked Graves Unearthed On Prestigious Golf Course
One director found an old map of his golf course and as many as 84 unmarked graves! Ray Mock, the owner, “hired someone to use ground-mapping sonar to locate the plots” after seeing them on the map. The golf course near Atlanta, Georgia plans to put up a sign or plaque commemorating the burial site and may plant some wild flowers as well. The graves are in the same location as two old poorhouses torn down in the 1960s, which likely explains the nontraditional cemetery.
The Thief Who Wants Your Money, Gulf Clubs, And A Steak
“The unnamed suspect allegedly broke into a Maryland house on the night of March 1st and stole a purse — which contained cash, a credit card and a Social Security card — an iPhone, a set of golf clubs and a box of Omaha steaks. The suspect remains on the streets, and local police are pursuing the case,” Golf Digest writes. In other words, even thieves with a keen interest in golf have a certain amount of class and dignity — and will only steal the best of steaks.
Can You Conquer Mission Impossi-Hole?
What is hole in one insurance? For a fee, golf courses can purchase hole in one insurance; US hole in one insurance pays out if golfers get a hole in one, win hole in one tournaments, or otherwise win golf prizes. And it’s not very likely on the following course. In Portland, golfers can literally try to hit their ball through a room of crisscrossed lasers (inspired by Mission Impossible, of course).
Playing golf and earning golf prizes is a lot more interesting than you might initially expect, with golf-playing thieves preferring only the finest stakes and experienced golfers being able to play on impossible courses, inspired by hit films. Continue reading here.