Are you confident in your health insurance? Anything less than a 100% answer is one that should be looked at more closely from here on out.
The face of American healthcare is changing. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. With local laws changing seemingly every year and new bills being proposed on a rolling basis, it can be easy to feel lost at sea when it comes to your own health. Your insurance benefits should be hardy enough to weather you through whatever life throws at you, from preventative care to keep you in good shape to long term disability insurance. Any doubt you have can be cleared up by looking below and learning about the options available to you.
Did You Know?
Statistics can give us a bigger picture of what entire populations are struggling with every day when it comes to their insurance (or lack thereof). Over 75 million Americans (children included) had no dental coverage bak in 2016. It’s estimated around 53 million Americans live with a disability. These can include, but are not limited to, mobility issues, mental illness and chronic illness. No matter where you lie on the scale, insurance benefits give you peace-of-mind that you’ll have a security net to catch you when you fall.
Employee Benefit Packages
One way of receiving the insurance benefits you deserve are through employee benefit packages. These are provided by your employer, generally for full-time work, and will cover basic care throughout your duration with the company. It’s estimated 90% of Americans with private dental coverage will receive their insurance benefits through an employer or similar group program. Sadly, the CDC reports there are still 28 million people living without health insurance as we speak.
Individual Health Insurance
Should you have a part-time job or work freelance you may find individual health insurance to be more in line with what you can afford. The Bureau Of Labor Statistics found almost 90% of full-time workers (and 20% of part-time workers) in the private sector having access to medical benefits in the beginning of 2017. A 2015 Employment Confidence Survey conducted by Glassdoor also found over half of all respondents saying health benefits were a major (if not biggest) factor in whether or not to accept a job offer.
Eye Insurance Plans
It helps to know how your insurance functions not just when you come down with an illness or injury, but how it can prevent a future occurrence. A good eye insurance plan needs to provide you with regular eye exams, particularly if your family has a history of certain conditions. Cataracts are a debilitating condition that often come with age and can interfere with day-to-day life if not pinpointed early on by a professional. Eye insurance plans can also be updated to include coverage for contacts, glasses and additional exam work.
Disability Insurance Provider
Living with a disability is difficult. It’s even more so when you’re unable to receive the support you need to access additional care. Open enrollment for Medicare occurs between the 15th of October and the 7th of December every year, helping thousands (and sometimes millions) of people with disabilities have better access to their healthcare system. By the time 2050 comes around it’s estimated there will be over 90 million people aged 65 or older in the United States.
Claiming Your Insurance Benefits
A mere two out of five Americans under the age of 65 have employer-based healthcare coverage. Many Americans don’t have eye coverage, dental coverage or even access to basic check-up services in their area. Your physical and mental health is extremely important and worth keeping in mind at all times. There are many different healthcare providers out there able to accommodate your unique needs and provide you the resources you need to live a high quality of life.
From single mothers with children to individuals living with mental illness, your insurance should support you, not hinder you.